学生的学费 & 信息

    The Business Office 过程es billing statements 和 posts payments for student accounts.

    Form 1098-T 和 W-2’s are 可用 on 学生自助服务 unless the student notifies 商务办公室以书面形式出具纸质表格邮寄到家庭住址.

    Student accounts are generally due three weeks before the beginning of the semester. 学生账单可通过 学生自助服务. 您可以通过以下方式访问付款计划 官方的支付, or 查找其他类型付款的信息.


    Students can use their College ID card to manage on-campus spending; you can replenish 基金通过 得到. The 网站 provides information about account balances 和 spending history, while allowing a student (or parent/guardian) to add money to the College ID card using 一张信用卡.


    All students are required to complete a 经济责任 Form agreement, found 在学生自助服务帐户下 分配形式. This agreement must be 完成于 being eligible to register for classes.


    Students may transfer excess 金融援助 funds from their student account to their student ID card in order to make purchases on campus at the Bookstore, Dining Hall 及资讯科技办事处. 请求是通过电子邮件发出的 (电子邮件保护),


    The 九州娱乐官网 Business Office prepares refunds to any student that has a 在每学期开始后获得学分.  对于春季学期,退款将是 分布式的 2月25日 秋季学期由 9月25日.

    If you have been awarded a Federal grant or loan 和 have accepted the Federal grant or loan, the amount of the award will appear on your billing statement as “pending 援助” 不是 可用 在寄出之前退款. 

    如果您需要额外的学分,您可以在2月10日之后这样做. 9月25日或. 25日, 发邮件 accounts_receivableFREEwashcoll

    我们要求每一个学生 在自助服务中设置直接存款 by going into "Financial 信息", next "banking information: then "add a bank".







    九州娱乐官网 charges a late payment fee of $200 on any balance of $2,000 or 本科生更多. 当学生:

    • has not paid the account in full or made payment arrangements by the officially posted due date for the current semester; or
    • has not paid the account in full or made payment arrangement by the officially posted due date for the curent semester; or
    • has defaulted on a payment plan; or
    • 是否以任何方式取消了经济资助.


    学生账户对账单可通过以下途径在线获取 学生自助服务. 以下付款方式可供选择:

    1. Mail a check payable to 九州娱乐官网, 华盛顿大道300号, Chestertown, MD 21620. 你的支票上必须有你的学生账号.

    2. 信用卡付款可使用万事达卡,美国运通和发现 卡通过  学生自助服务 or 付款方式这里有一个3.此项服务的手续费为28%.

    3. 电子支票付款可以通过 学生自助服务 or 付款方式. 这项服务不收费.

    4. 九州娱乐官网 is pleased to offer the tuition payment plan administered by ACI支付公司. 参加学费支付计划很容易. 秋季入学于7月开始,春季入学于12月开始.

    秋季计划 are a 5 month installment plan with payment beginning in July or a 4 month installment 8月份开始付款. 有55美元的一次性注册费 这个计划. 

    春季计划 are a 5 month installment plan with payment beginning in December or a 4 month installment 1月份开始付款. 一次性注册费为55美元 对于计划. 

    The student will be responsible for immediate payment of the semester balance due ACI支付公司是否应该. 付款计划终止. 滞纳金将会 同样适用.

    Students who have not paid in full, or who have not made satisfactory arrangements to pay in full using financial aid or the payment plan, by the due date for the semester, 会不会被视为已履行其财务义务. 直到这个义务 has been met, students may not return to campus, attend classes, or obtain keys or 大学学生证.


    WC student ID cards are able to have funds added so they can be used to make purchases at the Bookstore, retail food locations in Hodson Hall Commons 和 Sassafras Hall 以及信息技术办公室. 资金可以通过 得到 和 are accepted for ID card purchases (cash 和 personal checks will still be accepted, 在大多数地方使用信用卡和借记卡。).


    所有学生都必须有健康保险. 所有新生将 be enrolled in 和 billed for the College plan, which provides limited accident 和 sickness coverage, unless a waiver form is completed 和 returned to Health Services 7月15日之前. 所有国际学生都必须购买健康保险 通过九州娱乐官网. 这项政策没有例外.


    Federal regulations require that Federal grants 和 loans be posted to student accounts 不得早于开课前10天. 因此,如果你一直 awarded a Federal grant or loan 和 have accepted the Federal grant or loan, the amount 该奖项将以“未决援助”的形式出现在您的账单对账单上.“你的余额 due is calculated as the difference between your charges 和 all aid awarded 和 accepted, 包括未决援助.

    If you have been awarded 和 have accepted a Federal Direct Student Loan, the loan 金额将显示为未决援助在您的帐单帐单. 贷款金额已 从你的费用中扣除. 联邦直接学生贷款的文书工作可以通过电子方式完成. 说明可以在 金融援助 网站.

    Outside Private Scholarships will be credited to the students account upon receipt 来自外部机构的支票.

    To avoid any delays or problems, please be sure to complete all forms 和 submit all 所需的文件到财政援助办公室 12月15日. If you intend to use a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan or an alternative student 贷款(我.e. Sallie Mae Smart Loan, Wells Fargo, Citi Assist Loan) of your semester charges, you must have the loan pre-approved 和 all loan applications 完成于 12月15日. 如果你的贷款是预先批准之前 12月15日,它将在你的对账单上显示为未决援助. 但是,如果贷款没有预先批准 之前 12月15日, you must pay the Amount Due on your billing statement to complete the registration 过程. 贷款申请在8月份注册期间将不被接受或处理 和办理登机手续.


    The 九州娱乐官网 Business Office prepares refunds to any student that has a 在每学期开始后获得学分.  对于春季学期,退款将是 分布式的 2月25日 秋季学期由 9月25日.

    If you have been awarded a Federal grant or loan 和 have accepted the Federal grant or loan, the amount of the award will appear on your billing statement as “pending 援助” 不是 可用 在寄出之前退款. 

    如果您需要额外的学分,您可以在2月10日之后这样做. 9月25日或. 25日, 发邮件 accounts_receivableFREEwashcoll

    我们要求每一个学生 在自助服务中设置直接存款 by going into "Financial 信息", next "banking information: then "add a bank".



    All amounts paid to the College are refundable to the student unless they become non-refundable 如下所述. 如果一名学生在一个学期内退学,学校将开除学生 学生将负责所有不可退还的款项. 当学生退出时 results from a disciplinary action, regardless of the time of the withdrawal, all amounts paid to the College become non-refundable 和 the College makes no refund 任何形式的.

    Tuition refunds or credits will be allowed according to date on which the student 撤回如下:

    • 开课前- 100%退款;
    • 在课程的前两周- 75%(25%不可退还);
    • 第三周:50%(50%不退);
    • 上课第四周- 25%(75%不予退还);
    • 课程第四周后- 0%(100%不予退还).

    Fees are not refundable after the start date of the semester for which the fees have 支付. Residence hall spaces are assigned for the academic year; therefore, no refunds or credits for rooms are given for a student withdrawing for any reason after 类开始. 董事会退款或学分将按比例确定 以学生退课日期为准.

    Always contact the 财政援助办事处 before dropping, withdrawing, auditing, or deciding not to attend a course to confirm how it will affect your financial aid.  You should also review both the Return of Title IV 金融援助 Funds (R2T4) 和 满意的学术进步(SAP)政策做出明智的决定.

    If you decide to drop, withdraw, audit, or stop attending a course, please be aware that it can reduce your financial aid eligibility depending on the type of aid you have, how many credits you are no longer attending, 和 the timing of when your enrollment 变化.  You will be required to repay any financial aid that you are no longer eligible 它会对你的学业进步产生负面影响.


    学费退款保险范围 可透过A.W.G. 杜瓦公司. 因受伤或疾病而退出. 

    所有学生每学年将按学期收费. 保险范围是可用的 除非学生获得学费减免. 请求 选择退出 承保范围可以提交给 wac_trpFREEwashcoll,请务必在邮件中注明学生姓名和学院编号.







    地点: 大厅一楼
    小时: 上午9时至下午4时
    电话: 410-778-7266分机8


    Questions about a specific line item should be directed to the office responsible 关于费用或收费,如下所列:





    华盛顿大街508号. 410-778-7762

